Season One

Introducing The Total Mom Makeover Show Influencer Panel

It’s been a crazy last couple of weeks, folks. The new year began with me asking myself the age old question of, “What is my purpose in life?” and how do I incorporate my passion and love for beauty products and playing dress up into my purpose? Sounds silly when I say it out loud — or at least I thought it was silly until I publicly asked the question WHAT IF to The It Mom community. The response to a silly question became an overwhelming serious response to you, our community, wanting a piece of ‘It’.

So what was the question? I asked our Facebook community this: “I have a quick question for you…if you are a mom that was given an opportunity to receive an all expense paid head-to-toe makeover and then have experts teach you and physically show you how to apply makeup yourself, where to shop and what outfits to buy for your body type, and how to get ready everyday in minutes and have your experience and your personal story documented and shared with the world on social media…would you do it? If yes, hit “like” and comment ‘YES!’ and I will share details here ASAP! I wanted to gauge interest first. Eek this is so exciting, I can’t wait to share it with you!!!”

And then the modern busy moms of The It Mom community went crazy!!! This is really a thing, a need, a possible solution to the problems and challenges so many of us moms have — we want to know how to get ready in less time AND look fabulous. It’s a common theme among us busy moms, and I may have just cracked the code!!!

Read the: “Need a Life-Transforming Head To Toe Mommy Makeover” Here

In the last two weeks, we have vetted through over 500 total applications between real life moms wanting a life and look transformation and mom influencers wanting the very same thing.

Here’s what I know is going down, but we’ll take a deeper dive into the details once we announce the eight moms we selected!

We are bringing twelve moms total (including four mom influencers) to Newport Beach, California where they will get to partake in a once in a lifetime experience of receiving a head to toe mommy makeover. Not only will they get pampered, they will also learn the how-to’s of how to apply the very same makeover techniques on their own once they get home AND bring home a jam-packed gift of ALL the products they get to keep too.

Oh, and let’s not forget the professional photo shoot and getting personal with their fifteen seconds of fame by sharing their own unique story. And this isn’t your typical sob story of “poor little me”, okay. These are women who face relevant issues that have unique, fun, humorous, quirky, witty, and impactful life stories of either motherhood or their own personal story. We are here to motivate, inspire, and transform. This is not your typical one and done mommy makeover, we are here to motivate, inspire, and transform.

I’ve made this my 2017 ministry and I’m committed to helping as many moms as I can in different ways. And although this project is self-funded and in partnership with several amazing brands who share the same vision, desires, and beliefs as I do – there’s no telling how far this show could go! THIS. IS. HUGE.

Speaking of team – I’m proud and excited to introduce you to The It Mom Total Mom Makeover Influencer Panel. These four moms not only applied through the same application process of all the applicants, they showed me what the power of MOM influence can do. With over 5 million in global reach, these are some of the most elite of The It Moms across the country who also share the same desire for transformation and the same vision of wanting to help as many moms reach their potential through self-confidence and change.

Our Influencer Panel helped us get to the final selection of the eight moms we are announcing on February 1st!

So what happens next? Filming begins February 25 – February 26 and this reality webshow will begin airing it’s first season every Thursday at 8/7pm Central beginning April 6, 2017. Each episode will feature one mom’s unique story and their vow to stand out from the crowd with the opportunity to travel to a new location for an all expense paid weekend getaway and head-to-toe makeover transformation by the The It Mom’s “Dream Team” – some of the most elite fashion, beauty and style experts from around the county.

If you want to watch the show and be in the know of upcoming castings, you will need to subscribe and/or follow us here:

The It Mom YouTube Channel

The It Mom Facebook Page

AND NOW… to meet the Total Mom Makeover Influencer Panel, head on to this article.

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